Thursday, February 15, 2007

Blog 10: Diversion signs put up in Polish

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Date: 15-02-2007

In Cheshire, road signs have been put up in Polish. They did it to stop Polish-speaking drivers getting confused and to help make sure they follow the diversion. In the past some Polish lorry drivers have not understood diversions signs and have come ‘into conflict’ with road workers, the county council said. The signs have cost a few hundred pounds and it is not about political correctness. The council also said. "Polish people are part of the community and we need to cater for their needs." And: "We'd prefer them to stay on the motorways.
Steve Kent from the Council said: "We have to accept it's not enforceable".

I can understand that the council does this, because the companies need the lorry drivers on the road and they want to secure safety for the road workers. I do not agree with them. Where will it end? If they get drivers from Romania and Bulgaria, will they also put signs in those languages on the road. I think that when a lorry driver wants to work in the UK, they should learn the signs in English at least. The European Union should design European wide diversions signs, and also normal road signs.

1 comment:

leoniesteeman said...

I don't agree with the Polish road signs either. The Polish lorry drivers should be taught the British signs before they are allowed to start their job.