Monday, February 19, 2007

Blog 12: Blair wants gun crime age reduced

Date: 19-02-2007

This article is about the Prime Minister, Tony Blair. He wants to lower the age to 17 at which young people can receive long prison sentences for possessing a gun. If you are 21 years old and you are wearing a gun, you can get a five year penalty in jail. The PM wants to lower that age. He came with this review, because of several incidents the last month. Three of them were teenagers, shot dead in south London. Two of them were shot in their own house. All of them were in youth gangs, which is becoming a problem in the UK

It has become a real problem in the UK. But are those actions taken by the prime minister, the review of the firearm-law not too late? And will it help? It is never too late to take action. Will help it when the punishments become harder? I think, next to that action, that we also have to take a look at the beginning. Why is it that those kids are getting involved with gangs. Maybe they don’t have had many opportunities in life? Did they drop-out of school? I think we should also look at those sides, because in an other article I saw British children are the most unhappy of the Western Countries.

1 comment:

margreet de boer said...

I think it could be a good thing to lower the age but only in a series of solutions to reduce the gun crime. Only looking at the age will be insufficient. They have to do reseach on why young people are drawn to guns and how they can solve it.