Monday, February 19, 2007

Blog 11: Cannabis factory found by chance

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Date: 19-02-2007

A large quantity of cannabis was seized when police who had been called to a burglary came across hundreds of plants over three floors of a Bristol house. The policemen arrived early on Sunday and saw four men leaving the property in a van. Inside the house the police found what the men were looking for: about 600 mature cannabis plants. The basement was dugout to create more space for, yes…, more plants. In the hallway of the house, the policemen found also some dollar bundles. No one has been arrested so far.

It is good that the policemen found this illegal plantation. I think every black-market should be fight by the government. When something is illegal, there will be a black-market. So if they legalize it, which I do not support, the government can control the quality of cannabis. What we see in the Netherlands is that there still is more than 50 percent of the cannabis market, illegal. If the government makes it legal, people thrust them in that way? Should they think it is not harmful for them? Because it is damageable for the brains and yes alcohol too!Maybe we should let people make their own choice if they want to use drugs. If they become sick of it or they are not capable of working anymore, I think it is not fair that the community should pay their social security.

1 comment:

margreet de boer said...

I think people will allways try to make easy money. Even if cannabis would be leagal in Britain this would happen. I think its good that the police is doing everything they can to stop this illigal activity.